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Officially operating SAP CRM in FECON

  • 27.10.2015
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  • 7476 (views)

In the morning of Oct 26th, 2015, FECON Foundation Engineering and Underground Construction JSC officially operated CRM system (Customer Relationship Management), hoping to get a breakthrough in business, starting from 2016. After the Board Chairman ‘s statement to go live, Sales Director of FECON has updated all the following large projects into the system, marking the important step in operating CRM system. Right from Oct 26th, all the related departments, project managers of FECON & 5 members (Institute of Foundation and Underground Engineering, FECON Infrastructure JSC, FECON UCC, FECON SHANGHAI, FECON MILTEC) will apply a unique CRM system replacing for the old system. This is the result of hard work during 7 months of SAP ERP project department & 3 partners: FPT IS, SAP & Baseliner. [caption id="attachment_3109" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Ms. Dang Thi Tuyet Thuong – Strategy Director has introduced about the process of CRM implementation project with FECON BOD Ms. Dang Thi Tuyet Thuong – Strategy Director has introduced about the process of
CRM implementation project with FECON BOD[/caption] CRM is the customer‘s information management, customer relationship management, supporting the sales and management of customer services, planning and monitoring the implementation of customer service plan , management of investment, sales opportunities , marketing campaigns and R&D. FECON is the first company in Vietnam to operate CRM system integrated with Revegy sales tool, a tool to help visualiza the customer relationship, exclusively used to analyze customer relationships, relationships between competitives & customers & showed weak ones to strengthen, help to plan & monitor the performance of customer services, sales plan, search plan to pursue investment opportunities , sales opportunities & market expansion. Speaking at the event, Pham Viet Khoa – the Board Chairman, emphasized the importance of CRM in the development strategy of FECON. He asserted, in its development process, FECON always appreciate customers, partners and integrate all the resources to achieve the goal set for each stage. At this time, FECON is trying to achieve the strategy goals. Becoming the leading corporate group in infrastructure in 2020. He believed that CRm would be an effective tool in developing customer & partners. The chairman also asserted that Go-live CRM was just the first step, more importantly, relevant departments, BOD of FECON & 5 member units had to pay attention to the CRM in order that CRM could actually become useful tools to help customer care, customer relationship management, sales opportunity management, investment opportunities & expand market effectively. At this event, Mr.Nguyen Quang Khai – SAP solution Director also confirmed that Go-live CRM on time at FECON is the major effort from the project team because of the novelty and complexity of the project. However, Go-live is not the end, more importantly, every daily CRM users have to see it as an useful tool, using & adjusting to operate exactly & effectively. That ‘s the critical success that FECON & partners of the project need to achieve. Deploying CRM system is the stage 2 of construction project of resource planning system & operational ERP at FECON. SAP, Baseliner & FPT IS is the partners of this project, started on Mar 2014. Together with CRM, the intelligent report system BOBJ is also being deployed for each module, expected to be completed on Jan 2016 to serve the management needs of the company. Some pictures from the ceremony : [caption id="attachment_3110" align="aligncenter" width="640"]The Board Chairman stated at the go-live CRM ceremony The Board Chairman stated at the go-live CRM ceremony[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3111" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Customer relationship department updated the initial projects into the system at the ceremony Customer relationship department updated the initial projects into the system at the ceremony[/caption] [caption id="attachment_77" align="aligncenter" width="640"]fecon-chinh-thuc-van-hanh-he-thong-sap-crm1446452975 CEO of FECON Tran Trong Thang & SAP solution Director Nguyen Quang Khai toasted to congrate the CRM project[/caption] Milestones, stages of the ERP project at FECON: Stage 1: Deploying ERP Core from July 2014 & Golive on Feb 1st, 2015 Stage 2: Deploying CRM & BOBJ CRM:  deploying from Mar 2015 & Golive on Oct 26th, 2015 BOBJ: Deploying to the successive method, expected to complete at the end of 2015 Stage 3: In 2016: - Deploy Consilidated Report - Deploy R&D - Risk Management - BPC Planning    

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